Jay’s Mission Melanoma Walk: 333km, $200,000 Raised, One Incredible Journey


Jay’s Mission Melanoma Walk: 333km, $200,000 Raised, One Incredible Journey

Over the course of 11 days, Jay’s Mission Melanoma Walk achieved something truly extraordinary—covering 333km from Canberra to Bondi Beach and raising an incredible $200,000 to fight melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer.

The journey was filled with unforgettable moments: heartfelt tribute walks honoring Simmo, Hayley Bourke, Carrine Weston, Andrea Bond and Melinda Beaumont plus breathtaking scenery like crossing the Seacliff Bridge, and the powerful final steps onto Bondi Beach.

This mission brought together a dedicated team of seven full-time walkers, a tireless support crew, and countless supporters who joined along the way to honor loved ones and help raise awareness for early detection and prevention.

We couldn’t have done this without the amazing support of our community, donors, and sponsors. Your generosity fuels our mission and helps ensure more Australians are empowered to take action against melanoma.

A special thanks to these companies for making the walk possible: Toyota Australia, HOKA Australia, Ricky Richards, Project Dry Hire, MoleMap Australia, The Studio Creative, Street Impact, NCIS Group, RSM Australia, Cement Australia, Banabi Water, TSC Groundworks, BSC Supplements and P&L Louttit Constructions.

To the many that walked on some of the journey… Thank you for walking with us, cheering us on, and being part of this life-changing journey. Together, we’re creating a future free from melanoma.

Stay tuned for more updates and upcoming initiatives!

Cathy Ellis